We Empower

through self belief and tireless innovation:

Verb: empower; 3rd person present: empowers; past tense: empowered; past participle: empowered; gerund or present participle: empowering make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.

“The pupils were empowered to talk about their learning”

Similar: emancipate, unyoke, unfetter, unshackle, unchain, set free, give freedom to

Professional Development

Development sessions, including networks and working groups, are led by a range of Trust staff and promote a shared dialogue between colleagues. Our ‘leaders’ (a range of practitioners) are empowered to facilitate opportunities for staff to engage in self-reflection and innovation as well as contributing to evidence based research.

These groups include:

  • Strategic Planning Group: Led by the CEO and Senior Leaders in the Trust, we develop key priorities for our schools, engage in reflective practice and contribute to the future of our policy direction.
  • Communities of Practice: Staff from across the Trust meet termly with a focus on Mathematics, English, Humanities, Assessment, Curriculum, Inclusion and Diversity, Coaching, DSL and Mental Health, Administration and Estates
  • Working Parties: The coaching group has been developing a trust-wide coaching model. The Professional Development Pathway group have created an overview of professional development opportunities for staff.
  • Joint Focus Groups: Trustees, governors and staff attend training and knowledge exchange sessions on key responsibilities and current issues.
  • Meetings for Chairs: Led by Chair of Trust with Chairs of AGBs and CEO.

To explore our Professional Development Pathway, please click here