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Our Teaching and Learning Partners

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Gatley Primary - Empower Learning Institute

Engaging in diverse partnerships, within and beyond our local network of schools, enables staff to access and be part of a learning community with a clear sense of direction to impact on achievement for all learners. This positively impacts on teaching and learning and enables us to grow our future teachers and leaders. 


National Support School (NSS)

As a National Support School, Gatley Primary has a wide range of experience of supporting schools in challenging circumstances.  This work is co-ordinated by our National Leader of Education (NLE), Michelle Murray (CEO), and supported by our  Local Leaders of Education (LLE) and Specialist Leaders of Education (SLE).  Through the receipt of Department for Education (DfE) funding, system leaders support other schools to self-improve. 

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Alliance of Leading Learning

We work in partnership with Alliance of Leading Learning as a partner delivery school.


Alliance of Leading Learning are a school led inclusive partnership representing all phases and school contexts nationally and internationally.


For more information about NPQs, please visit the ALL Website


Please click for upcoming NPQ SENCO opportunities



Helen Hamlyn Centre for Pedagogy (0-11 Years)

The Helen Hamlyn Centre for Pedagogy (HHCP) was established in 2018 to extend the long-established work of the UCL Institute of Education (IOE) and the Helen Hamlyn Trust in primary and early years education.

The centre aims to enable children to realise their full potential through optimal teaching and learning. The centre works to improve pedagogy for children from birth to 11 years, particularly children living with disadvantage.



Greater Manchester Learning Partnership

Gatley Primary School works collaboratively with the Greater Manchester Learning Partnership (GMLP).  GMLP's objective is to bring all parts of the education sector across Greater Manchester together.  The GMLP is made up of representatives of each of the key groups charged with school improvement across Greater Manchester, which includes Gatley Primary School who work directly with the Department for Education to provide services to schools including school improvement, Continuing Professional Development and Initial Teacher Training.


HEI (Higher Education Institution) Partnerships

We have strong HEI links with Manchester Metropolitan University; offering Accreditation of Leadership Programmes, Research & Development projects, and School Direct training.  

A Research and Development Project initiated with MMU is being used to develop our Research Associates in extended research methodology. Research Groups are exploring methods which are linked to 'closing the gap' priorities across schools.


Greater Manchester LLE Collaboration

Working alongside regional Teaching Schools has extended our own capacity to deliver programmes regionally. As part of our close working partnerships across the Greater Manchester collaborative with Teaching Schools we have been involved in a training programme for Local Leaders of Education (LLE).


Primary Mathematics Teaching for Mastery: Teacher Research Groups (TRG)

The Teacher Research Group (TRG) provides an opportunity for your school to engage in high-quality, sustained, collaborative professional development and participate in an important national project.  The aim of the pilot TRGs is to support participating teachers in developing teaching for mastery in their own school. The TRG group is coordinated by our nationally accredited Mastery Lead Teacher.


Membership of National Associations

We hold membership of ASPE (Association for the Study of Primary Education) and BELMAS (British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society, which has further extend opportunities for CPD, including Research and Development links.

Get in touch

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Contact: Tracey Payton
0161 757 9333 Option 1

Hawthorn Road

© 2021 Education Learning Trust

Education Learning Trust. Registered address: Hawthorn Road, Gatley, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 4NB.  A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number: 09142319)

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